During your stay
Our staff are committed to meeting your requests and needs. If you have any queries please do not hesitate to ask. If you need to leave your ward at any time, please inform your nurse.
Berkeley Vale Private offers a high standard of accommodation with private rooms and ensuite bathrooms.
While we will make every endeavour to provide you with your accommodation preference, please understand that in certain circumstances of high activity, this may not be possible.
For visitor accommodation please contact the reception staff
Access for Disabled Persons
The hospital will ensure that it is always accessible to disabled persons.
The hospital is single storey, it has no entry or internal steps and has a wheelchair for visitors if required. Each patient bathroom is wheelchair accessible.
Disabled parking spaces are available near the front entrance.
Advanced Care Directive
Advanced Care Planning is thinking ahead about your preferences for health care treatment should you be seriously ill or injured. An ACD ensures your wishes are clearly known and can be easily followed. Bring your ACD whenever you come to hospital. It will be included in a prominent position in your medical record. Give a copy to the person likely to be identified as the “person responsible”.
Where do I get more information?
If you need more information contact:
Animal Assistance
Animals, with the exception of registered assistance dogs will not be permitted in the hospital.
Bedside Clinical handover
Bedside clinical handover is the sharing of clinical information from the staff member who has given direct care of the patient, to the staff member who will be taking over the care of the patient. Performing handover at your bedside allows the nurse to ensure continuity in your care while involving you in the process.
Visitors and those visiting others in the room may be asked to leave while personal information about you is discussed. Parents, carers and family member can stay during your handover if you choose. If you have any questions your nurse will be happy to discuss any non-urgent needs that you may have once the handover is complete. At any time if you or your family are concerned about your condition, please do not hesitate to discuss this with the nurse who is looking after you.
Falls Prevention Program
Our staff are here to assist you and help you understand the need for active participation in our Falls Risk Assessment Program
Berkeley Vale Private utilises a Falls Prevention Program to maintain safety of our patients whilst in hospital. Precautions you can take to decrease your risk of falling:
- Wear closed, non-slip slippers
- Ensure you call bell is always close at hand
- Notify staff about your sleeping routine at home and if you require a night light
- Notify staff you use a walking aid
- Always ring the nurse call bell for assistance or supervision to mobilse around the room, in bathroom or ward
- Do not go to the toilet by yourself, particularly if you are unsteady on your feet or have recently undergone surgery.
To visitors, family and friends – precautions you can take to decrease our patients risk of falling:
Nursing staff can then provide safe environment where required. For example
- Bed rails can be replaced in an upright position prior to your departure
- Call bells and other important belongings (glasses, books etc) can be placed within easy reach of the patients
- Ensure that the room remains tidy by removing any clutter to eliminate hazards
- We encourage our patients to ask for nursing assistance when transferring or mobilsing around the room
- Alert the nursing staff if you notice episodes of confusion or unsteadiness in the patient.
Flowers and Mail
Flowers and mail are delivered directly to your room. If you have mail to post please contact the Reception staff and this will be arranged for you.
Identification of Staff
All staff wear name badges as a means of identification and internal security. The badge shows the staff member’s name and position and photo. If you cannot see a staff member’s identification badge you may ask them to show you.
Internet access is available via provision of free wifi. Please ask your nurse to provide login and password.
Interpreter Service
If the service of an interpreter is required, contact the Hospital prior to admission so that the necessary arrangements can be made. There may be a cost associated with the service.
The hospital provides washing machines and clothes dryers to use at your convenience.
Our Catering Department prepares a variety of top quality, fresh meals. Menus will be provided each morning from which you may select meals according to your taste and dietary requirement.
Consultations with dietitians can be made should you have any special dietary needs.
Newspapers are available on request.
Our Policy on Alcohol and Smoking
Patients are not permitted to bring alcoholic beverages to the hospital, unless prior discussion with the Nurse Unit Manager has occurred.
Berkeley Vale Private Hospital provides a smoke free environment. We ask that you and your visitors respect the health of others and do not smoke on hospital grounds.
Parking and Public Transport
A bus service is provided by Red Bus Service. Please contact them directly for service times. Bus timetables are provided at our Reception Area.
There is a total of one hundred (100) free off street parking spaces available in our visitor’s car park.
Pastoral Care
Your spiritual needs may be catered for by pastoral care visitors who attend the Hospital. Your own clergy person is very welcome – please ask the nursing staff to arrange a visit.
Patient Rights and Responsibilities
A charter of patient’s rights and responsibilities has been prepared and provided in the pre-admission package for patients.
All hospitals in the Ramsay Health Care Group comply with the Commonwealth Privacy Act in relation to the management of personal information. Our Privacy Policy and consent form relating to our collection and use of your health information will be provided to you on admission.
If you have any further enquires in relation to our Privacy Policy or our Health information management practices please contact the hospital or visit the Ramsay Health Care website
Patient Complaints/Compliments
We welcome compliments and feedback relating to your stay with us and we encourage all patients to complete the feedback form available in all ward areas. Completing this form enables us to evaluate and improve the services provided to our patients and visitors. These questionnaires are anonymous. If you wish to write a specific and/ or signed letter, please address your letter to the Chief Executive Officer thus ensuring your comments are acknowledged and dealt with appropriately. Regular patient satisfaction surveys are conducted independently of the Hospital by the Ramsay contracted surveying company. If you are surveyed, your inclusion in these surveys is voluntary. We would appreciate your assistance if you are asked to participate. If you are concerned about your care or the Hospital’s services please contact the Nursing Unit Manager on the ward, the Director of Clinical of Services or the Chief Executive Officer. Complaints can be received by writing a letter, by telephone, in person or through our survey system.
All complaints by patients or carers will be investigated.
Alternatively you may write to: healthcare Complaints /commission
Locked Bay 18, Strawberry Hills, NSW, 2012
Preventing Pressure Injuries
A pressure injury is an area of skin that has been damaged due to unrelieved pressure. Pressure injuries may look minor, such as redness on the skin or a sore spot over the tailbone, heels, elbows, hips or buttocks, but they can hide more damage under the skin’s surface.
The best way to relieve pressure is to keep active and change position every 20 minutes whether you are lying in bed or sitting in a chair.
If you are unable to move yourself, you will need to ask your nurse for assistance to change your position regularly.
‘it is important to keep you skin and bedding dry so if you have a urinary or faecal incontinence use the recommended incontinence pads and a barrier creams to help protect the skin
Skin should be washed with a mild soap and moisturized if it is dry after washing.
Special equipment such as air mattresses, and pressure relieving devices, may be used to reduce pressure and prevent friction and shearing of the skin.
Tell staff if you have any soreness over a bony area, redness, blistered or broken skin.
It is important that you eat a well-balanced diet to aid healing and reduce your risk of getting a pressure injury. If you are unable to eat a normal diet because of your illness or have poor nutrition for other reasons we will arrange for the dietitian to see you to provide advice about nutrition.
The Ramsay Rule for Patient Safety
See Your Rights and Responsibilities for more information.
You can make and receive free local calls from the telephone by your bed.
For your convenience your relatives and friends can telephone your room directly. On admission please request your direct extension number from the nurse caring for you. When you are admitted please ask our staff if mobiles can be used in your room. Mobiles may be used in all public areas. Berkeley Vale Private Hospital does not accept any responsibility for loss or damage to your mobile phone.
A single handset by your bed allows you to select any of the local television stations. Limited Foxtel movies are available.
Veterans’ Liaison Officer
The hospital has a Veterans' Liaison Officer, who is able to assist Veterans with their special needs and respond to any questions that you may have.
The Hospital’s staff and patients need to work and be cared for in a safe environment; one that is free from violence and aggression. Physical and non-physical violence towards staff and/or others in the facility will not be tolerated. Any such acts may lead to discharge, and may result in the police being notified and legal action being taken.
Ward Organisation
The ward areas are under the supervision of the Nursing Unit Manager during weekdays and a senior Registered Nurse on evening, night and weekend shifts. Any questions that may arise during your stay should be raised with the Nursing Unit Manager