Mission & Vision
In keeping with the Ramsay Health Care Limited mission and values "The Ramsay Way", Berkeley Vale Private Hospital's strategic intent is to:
- Successfully defend its existing businesses and market share from competitor manoeuvres.
- Seek opportunities to expand the scope of services and increase volumes of existing business.
BVPH's objectives are:
- Clinical expertise
- Good service
- Friendly atmosphere
- Business growth
The Board of Directors and Executive management of Berkeley Vale Private Hospital believe that each individual in the community is entitled to enjoy a reasonable state of physical, mental and social well being.
We also believe that members of the community are entitled to receive high quality, cost effective health care services at the time that those services are needed and that those services can be made available at a reasonable cost.
In order to provide an environment in which high quality care services can be delivered, the hospital must be well equipped and it must be staffed by qualified and/or experienced health care workers who keep abreast of developments in their respective professions. We believe that teamwork is important in the provision of health care services and that hospital staff, management, visiting practitioners and all allied health professionals should work together to efficiently provide effective services.
Basic to all other beliefs is the knowledge that the patient is the most important person in the hospital and as such is entitled to the most courteous, high quality and attentive treatment we can provide.
The governing body of Ramsay Health Care delegates the operational management of BVPH to the executive team based at BVPH.
Role of the Governing Body
To support, manage and furnish facilities, personnel and services to medically provide medical and rehabilitation hospital care, and other hospital and related services to sick, injured or disabled persons, without regard to race, creed, colour, sex or national origin.
The governing body of BVPH shall:
- Provide appropriate facilities and services to best serve the needs of patients.
- Encourage education and training of hospital and medical staff members.
- Maintain the optimal achievable quality of patient care.
- Keep abreast of developments in health, technology and the community, evaluating at all times the role of the hospital in its environment.