When You Leave
We recommend that before admission you consider how you will manage at home after discharge. Talk to you doctor about any possible changes in you physical capacities as a result of your stay in hospital.
It is recommended that you arranger a relative or friend to assist you in getting home, or alternatively a taxi will be called for you by reception staff.
If you have any concerns following your discharge the hospital may be contacted to advise and assist you.
Social workers are available to patients and their families. They provide conselling in regards to the impact of illness and hospitalisation, as well as information on coping strategies. Our social workers also have a wide knowledge of community resources.
The following information will assist in helping you prepare for your discharge
Before coming to hospital you should ask your doctors:
- How long will I be in hospital
- What should I expect during my recovery period
- How long will my recovery take
- Will there be any restriction on my activities after leaving hospital
- Will I need physiotherapy
Other factors you should consider include:
Support network – if you live alone or have limited support – how will you manage when you leave hospital. Could you have a family member come and stay? You can also consider assistance from friends, neighbors.
Carers – if you live with a partner or family, will they require assistance while you are in hospital? Will they need assistance to care for you when you return home?
Housekeeping, shopping and food – if you think you may be unable to prepare meals when you get home, you could consider cooking in advance and freezing the food. Alternatively, there are private meal delivery services or Meals on Wheels.